Joseph’s Pantry is in need of 2 people on Tuesday (1 driver & 1 helper) to pick up food given to us by the Senior Center. Also, looking for a team on Wednesdays (1 driver, 2-4 helpers) to pick up food that will be regularly available to us in town. Please see Bindy for more information and to sign up to help.
Tuesday, October 27th, 2pm– Mandatory meeting for all Joseph’s Pantry volunteers.
Saturday, Oct 31st, Department Head Meeting, 9am in Fellowship Hall. (If you are leader of any area, this includes you!)
Saturday, Oct. 31st, 10:15am, Pastors’ Meeting
Saturday, Nov. 7th, 9:00am, Altar Workers/Altar Assistants meeting in FCF Fellowship Hall. See Elaine Harrell for more information.
Saturday, Nov. 7th, 3rd Annual Master Builder’s Banquet, 6:30pm, Highland Community College Center, Rev. George Adamson, main speaker. Tickets and sign up in Fellowship Hall, or see Ella Edison for tickets. Volunteers are needed to help at the banquet-See Sherry Wenzel to sign up.
Sunday, Nov. 8th, Faith Center Freeport Hosting FRAC, 6:30pm.
Thursday, Nov. 19th, Apostle Jonathan Byrd will be speaking at the Mighty-X meeting, 6:00pm, at Embury United Methodist Church educational building.
Saturday, Nov. 21st, 9:00am, Breakfast of Champions
Sunday, Nov. 22nd, Membership Sunday
Tuesday Family service Speakers:
Oct. 27th: Pastor Mike
Nov. 3rd: Pastor Pat Allbritton
Nov. 10th: Pastor Mike