Our audio/video team is looking to expand. Do you know Power Point? Keyboarding? Copy/paste? We’re willing to train. Please see Julie Dietz or call her at 815-291-8151.
We need someone to handle CD sales after 2nd service. Please see Pastor Vonda or call her at 815-275-8003.
Joseph’s Pantry is looking for a team for Wednesdays (1 driver, 2-4 helpers) to pick up food available to us in town. Please see Bindy Lillge for more information and to sign up.
Faith Center Freeport Sweatshirts are now available in crew neck or hoodie. We’re also taking orders for T-shirts. All items come in either black, white or lime green. Prices are below; see Christopher Clukey to order.
Crew Neck– $16
Hoodie– $20
T-shirts size S through XL– $8
XXL– $10
3XL to 6XL– $11.50
Custom name on the back– $3
Customization is not available for hoodies.
Saturday, November 28th– FCF Christmas Choir practice, 1-3 p.m.
Saturday, December 5th– All volunteers mark your calendar for Christmas Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. If you have volunteered in any capacity at Faith Center Freeport in 2015, and haven’t been contacted about dinner, please see your Department Head or Pastor Vonda. Deadline for signup for dinner is November 24th, 2015.
Sunday, December 6th– FRAC here at FCF, Apostle Mary Alice Isleib, guest speaker, 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, December 20th– Adults & Youth Christmas program in both services
Tuesdays, December 22nd & 29th– NO CHURCH SERVICE.
Thursday, December 31st– New Year Eve’s Service, 10 p.m.-12 midnight
Saturday, January 2– Freeport Community Church Open House. Faith Center will be opening doors for tours.
Saturday, January 9th– Altar Assistant Training, 9 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Saturday, January 16th– Mandatory Department Head Meeting, 9 a.m. Let’s start the year off with great expectation and vision for the year! Mark your calendars!
Saturday, January 16th–Pastors’ Meeting at 10:15 a.m.
Nov. 24th: Thanksgiving Testimonies
Dec. 1st: Pastor Mike Sowell teaching
Dec. 8th: Pastor Laura DeVries