Joseph’s Pantry needs volunteers to help us at the food drive WREX is holding at the Lincoln Mall tomorrow. The event runs from 5am to 7pm, so any time you can give will be great. The most pressing need is at the end of the day when we will be loading and transporting food. If you can help, please comment here or contact Chris Clukey by text or phone call at 815-990-8491.
Joseph’s Pantry is looking for a team for Wednesdays (1 driver, 2-4 helpers) to pick up food available to us in town. Please see Bindy Lillge for more information and to sign up.
Our wonderfully talented Fine Arts Deptartment/ Artistic Revelations Theatre will be presenting a musical play “Growing Up” on Sunday, November 15th at 6:30 pm. Not to be missed!
Thursday, November 19, Apostle Jonathan Byrd will be speaking at the Mighty-X meeting, 6:00 p.m., at Embury United Methodist Church’s educational building.
Saturday, November 2, FCF Christmas Choir Practice, 1 p.m.
Saturday, November 22, 8:00 am, Breakfast of Champions, New Members will be welcomed and received in 2nd Service on Sunday
Saturday, December 5, All volunteers mark your calendar for Christmas Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. If you have volunteered in any capacity at Faith Center Freeport in 2015, and haven’t been contacted about dinner, please see your Depart-ment Head or Pastor Vonda. Deadline for signup for dinner is November 24th, 2015.
Sunday, December 6, FRAC service here at FCF, Apostle Mary Alice Isleib, guest speaker, 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, December 20, Adults & Youth Christmas program in both services
Tuesday, December 22 & 29, NO CHURCH SERVICE.
Thursday, December 31, New Year Eve’s Service, 10 p.m.
Saturday, January 16, Mandatory Department Head Meeting, 9 a.m. Let’s start the year off with great expectation and vision for the year! Mark your calendars!
Nov. 17th: Pastor Rachel Valentine will be teaching
Nov. 24th: Thanksgiving Testimonies
Dec. 1st: Pastor Mike Sowell teaching