T-shirts are in! See Christopher Clukey in the Fellowship Hall to get yours.
Saturday, September 19th–The Big Wing Thing fundraiser for Joseph’s Pantry. This will be held at FCF from 11am-3pm. Wing cooking contest, Music, kids games, etc. More details coming soon.
September 13-15th– Faith Center Freeport Faith Conference. September 13th-14th, Pastor Norman Thomas; September 15th, Keith Hershey
Monday, September 14th– Leadership Luncheon with Norman Thomas, 12 –1 p.m., $10; FCF Members/attendees, $5
Thursday, September 24th– Mighty-X class begins. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall
Sunday, September 27th– Crosby Harris, Jr. will be speaking in both services. We’ll also have the “Falling Into Place” Fair to help members find their calling in ministry at FCF.
Saturday, October 3rd– Altar Workers/Assistants and Intercessors meeting at 9am in the Fellowship Hall.
Saturday, October 3rd– Barbeque and planning for singles. Details to come!
Sunday, October 4th– Membership, Equipping the Saints and Back to the Basics Classes begin. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall.
Saturday, October 10th– Iron Sharpens Iron for Women, Davenport, Iowa. Online registration is still available at www.focalpointministries.net
$63 until Sept. 10th
$67 afterwards online and at the door
Students 13-22 years of age and in school full time, $39.
You will be responsible for your own transportation.
Sunday, October 11th– Water Baptism after 2nd service. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall
Sunday October 18th– GAP Service (God Answers Prayer), Faith Center Albany, 530 3rd Ave. N, Albany, IL, 6:30 pm.
Friday, October 23rd– Pastor Anjuray Sanders’ women’s outreach in Sterling. Details to come.
Tuesday Night Family Service Speakers:
8/25 Pastor Susie
9/1– Pastor Mike
9/8– Pastor Rupert Valentine, Jr.
9/15– Keith Hershey