Joseph’s Pantry is giving 10 Thanksgiving baskets to FCF members only. If you need a basket, please sign up in the Fellowship Hall.
The pantry is in need of a team of 1 driver and 2-4 helpers on Wednesdays mornings to pick up food that will be regularly available to us in town. Please see Bindy Lillge for more information and to sign up to help.
The Fine Arts (Drama) Dept.-Artistic Revelations Theatre will be presenting a Musical play “Growing Up”, Sunday, Nov. 15th at 6:30 p.m., FCF. We are looking for volunteers to assist with set design, lighting and props. Please see Belinda Yancey for more details.
Christmas Choir Signup in Fellowship Hall—Practice will begin Nov. 14th, 11 am.
Saturday, Nov. 7th, 9:00am, Altar Workers/Altar Assistants meeting in FCF Fellowship Hall. See Elaine Harrell for more information.
Saturday, Nov. 7th, 3rd Annual Master Builder’s Banquet, 6:30pm, Highland Community College Center. Rev. George Adamson, Chaplain of Stateville prison, will be our main speaker. See Ella Edison for tickets. Volunteers are needed to help at the banquet-See Sherry Wenzel to sign up.
Thursday, Nov. 19th, Apostle Jonathan Byrd will be speaking at the Mighty-X meeting, 6:00 p.m., at Embury United Methodist Church educational building.
Saturday, Nov. 22, 8:00 am, Breakfast of Champions, New Members will be welcomed and received in 2nd Service
SATURDAY, Dec. 5th, All volunteers mark your calendar for Christmas Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. See your Department Head for details.
FRAC SERVICE HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED. Instead of November 8, the service will be at FCF on Sunday, Dec. 6th, with Apostle Mary Alice Isleib as guest speaker.
Thursday, Nov. 19th, Apostle Jonathan Byrd will be speaking at the Mighty-X meeting, 6:00pm, at Embury United Methodist Church educational building.
Saturday, Nov. 21st, 9:00am, Breakfast of Champions
Sunday, Nov. 22nd, Membership Sunday
Sunday, Dec. 20th, Adults & Youth Christmas program in both services
Tuesdays, Dec. 22nd & 29th, NO CHURCH SERVICE.
Thursday, Dec. 31st, New Year Eve’s Service, 10 p.m.
Nov. 10th: Pastor Everlena Thurmond will be teaching
Nov. 17th: Pastor Rachel Valentine will be teaching
Nov. 24th: Thanksgiving Testimonies