Sunday will be the last day to sign up for “Putting On a New You” Women’s ministry with Pastor Susie. Faith, Fashion, and Fun! Our October theme is “Fall Fashion Tips.” So sign up today and join us on Friday, October 6th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Farm Bureau, 21 W. Spring Street, Freeport. Gift bags will be given to all who attend. Child care will be available at the church for ages 4-10, as long as you have pre-registered by this coming Sunday. Signup is in Fellowship Hall.

SUNDAY, October 1st, 9:00-9:45 a.m., in the lower level, Financial Increase Class will begin. It’s a 5 week class covering budgeting, the power of tithing, breaking the power of debt and more. Sign up in Fellowship Hall if you plan to attend these classes.

SATURDAY, October 7th, Dept. Head/Pastor’s Meeting at 9:00 a.m.

FRIDAY, October 13th, 6 p.m., Men’s Ministry Prayer

SATURDAY, October 14th, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Deborah Company at Farm Bureau. Sign up in Fellowship Hall

SUNDAY, October 15th, Pastor’s Appreciation Day, we are honoring Apostle Mike and Pastor Susie Sowell with cake and ice cream in Fellowship Hall after service. We will have a basket on the piano in the sanctuary for cards for anyone who would like to bless them. Please join us in celebrating and honoring our Apostle and Pastor.

SATURDAY, October 28th, Children’s Ministry Fall Festival

SATURDAY, October 28th, Digital Marketing Training Class, details coming soon.

TUESDAY, November 14th, Powerhouse is canceled

SATURDAY, November 18th, 6:30-9:00 p.m., Powerhouse “Encounter Night”. They will be having food, prizes, music, for ages 6th grade and up.


October 3rd: Apostle Michael Sowell
October 10th: Pastor Everlena Thurmond
October 17th: Apostle Michael Sowell

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