Thank you Apostle Sowell and Pastor Susie for leading, guiding, and caring for our souls! This Sunday we will have a basket on the piano for any cards and gifts you have in appreciation for Apostle Sowell and Pastor Susie.
Tuesday, October 12th, is the last day to get tickets for Ladies Night Out! October 15th, 6:00 p.m., Pastor Susie Sowell is having Ladies Night Out at Leno’s in Rockford; our speaker will be Prophetess Norma Borrero, Pastor of Life Church South in Rockford. Tickets are $25, please register in the bookstore if youplan on attending.
If you need to ride the van, please sign up in the bookstore.
Back to Basic’s class with Pastor Everlena Thurmond meets downstairs at 9:00 Sunday mornings and ends at 9:45 so you can attend Sunday service.
Come join us for prayer here at the church every Friday 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
A new 4-week class, “How to Walk In & Out of Your Healing” with Evelyn Curry will be starting November 7th, 9:00-9:45 a.m. downstairs. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall if you are going to attend.
Sunday, October 24th, 6:30 p.m., GAP REVIVAL, with Apostle Ray Giminez of Victory Center Ministries of Clinton, Iowa, and Evangelist/Pastor Newton Ramirez as our special speakers. Come out and be blessed!
Saturday, November 6th, 9:00 a.m-12:30 p.m., Reset Restart meeting for all Department Heads, lunch will be provided.
Oct. 12th: Apostle Felix Okoroji-Supernatural School
Oct. 19th: Apostle Jonathan Byrd-Supernatural School
Oct. 26th: Apostle Felix Okoroji-Supernatural School