SATURDAY, October 28th, 9 a.m., Pro-Presenter (PowerPoint) training; 10:00 a.m., Sound Board training.

FRIDAY Night, November 3rd, at 6:30 p.m. at the Farm Bureau, 21 W. Spring Street, Freeport, “Putting On a New You” Women’s ministry with Pastor Susie, Faith, Fashion, and Fun! November’s theme is “Getting Ready for the Holidays”. Carlos Jones with Culinary Delights will be sharing tips for holiday desserts and will be serving some of his delicious delicacies. If you need childcare, we will have childcare here at the church for ages 4-10, but they must be registered beforehand. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall.

SATURDAY, November 4th, 9 a.m., Pro-Presenter (Power Point) training; 10:00 a.m., Sound Board training. Anyone interested, please sign up in Fellowship Hall.

SUNDAY, November 5th, 9:00 a.m.-9:40 a.m., Back to Basics class, lower level

SUNDAY, November 5th, Children’s Ministry Fall Festival, for ages 2-11, 10:00 a.m., during Sunday service. There will be games, prizes, candy, and food. So bring out the kids to enjoy this fun event.

SATURDAY, November 11th, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Deborah Company at Farm Bureau, 211 W. Spring St., Freeport. Women, come out and be blessed. This is the last meeting until next April.

SUNDAY, November 12th, FRAC, 6:30 p.m., at Faith Center Freeport with Apostle Pat McManus from Kingdom Impact Center.

TUESDAY, November 14th, Powerhouse is canceled

SATURDAY, November 18th, 9:00 a.m., Edwin Colon is offering training for the best ways to use social media–Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram–to advance the kingdom. Sign up in Fellowship Hall.

SATURDAY, November 18th, 6:30-9:00 p.m., Powerhouse “Encounter Night”. Food, prizes, music, for ages 6th grade and up.

SUNDAY, December 2nd, 6:00 p.m., Revival and Prophetic Night at North Side Church of God, 2035 N. 5th St., Clinton, Iowa, with Apostle Michael Sowell and Apostle Ray Giminez, who is launching a new church. Please join us. Sign up for Van Service in Fellowship Hall.


October 31st: Apostle Michael Sowell
November 7th: Pastor Susie Sowell
November 14th: Apostle Michael Sowel

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