We have received $9,816.00 toward the Embury project. Apostle is encouraging all of us to give $200 toward the project. You can place it in the Tithe/Offering envelope and write “Embury” on the designate line. Thanks so much.
Bottled water can now be purchased for $1 a bottle at the Coffee Café (excluding designated staff, praise/sound team)
Joseph’s Pantry need some bakers for the May 26th Pantry Day fundraiser, please sign up in Fellowship Hall and designate what you can bring. Thanks so much.
June 9th will be Graduation Recognition Day. If you are graduating from high school, college, or a technical school, please sign up in Fellowship Hall by May 19th.
The Praise Dance department is looking for dancers age 7-12 years old. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall.
SATURDAY, May 11th, Clean Up Day at Embury, 9:00 a.m.-12 Noon. Lunch will be provided. Many hands make light work, so come and be a part!
SATURDAY, May 18th, 6:30 p.m., Unlocking Prophetic Times & Seasons conference with Apostle Tawana Hicks as guest speaker. Sign up in Fellowship Hall.
SUNDAY, May 19th, Apostle Tawana Hicks will be our guest speaker.
SUNDAY, May 26th, Pantry Day Bake Sale
TUESDAY, May 28th, Youth Powerhouse cancelled & Joseph’s Pantry closed
FRIDAY, May 31st, 6:00 p.m., Making It Happen Singles Pizza Party & Fellowship at Cimino’s in Freeport. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall if you are attending.
SATURDAY, June 1st, 11:00 a.m., at FCF Fellowship Hall, Shannon Tenney from the Gideons, will be speaking to the Street Ministry. Anyone interested in Street Ministry is invited to come. Sign up in Fellowship Hall.
SATURDAY, June 8th, 12 Noon, Empowering Women for End Times” Lunch with Mother Catherine Jones, 6645 Fincham Dr, Rockford. Sign up in Fellowship Hall.
TUESDAY evenings, June 11th & 18th, Vacation Bible School, details to come
May 14th: Apostle Michael Sowell
May 21st: Pastor Dixie Ditsworth
May 28th: Apostle Michael Sowell