We have received $8,876 for the Seed Faith Offering, only $11,124 to go! If you need a Seed Faith Offering envelope, please see an usher and be sure to write your name on the outside of the envelope if you’re giving cash. Or write Seed Faith on your tithe envelope and put it in the offering. Together we can reach this goal!
Our own Yolanda Brooks has released a book called, “Journey to Freedom”. We have a copies for purchase in the book store.
THURSDAY, May 4th, National Day of Prayer Evening Service, 7:00 p.m. Come join us as churches from all over the region unite to intercede for our nation and city.
TUESDAY, May 9th, Pastor Dirk Currier will be our guest speaker.
SATURDAY, June 3rd, Men’s Ministry Breakfast at 9 a.m.
SUNDAY, June 4th, Pentecost Sunday
FRIDAY-SATURDAY, June 9th-10th, Cub Foods Brat Stand fundraiser for Joseph’s Pantry. See Bindy if you can volunteer to help either of those days.
SUNDAY, June 11th, FRAC (location yet to be decided)
SUNDAY, June 18th, Honoring Graduates in 2nd Service. If you are graduating from high school, college or technical school, please sign up in Fellowship Hall.
SUNDAY, June 25th, FCF 7th Anniversary Celebration, one service at 10 a.m.
TUESDAY, June 27th, Jason Harmon will be our guest speaker.
SUNDAY, July 2nd, begins our summer schedule (July-August) of one service, 10 a.m.
TUESDAY, July 4th, No Service
SUNDAY, July 16th, GAP Service here at FCF, 6:30 p.m.
May 9th: Pastor Dirk Currier
May 16th: Apostle Michael Sowell
May 23rd: Pastor Kent Van Ostrand