Patricia Garcia is in need of Greeters and Parking Lot Greeters on Sundays. Please see her if you can serve in this area.
SUNDAY, May 27th, We’re launching a Young Adult Ministry, ages 18-35. Informational meeting after church in the sanctuary.
SUNDAY, June 3rd, 9:00 a.m.-9:45 a.m. in lower level, “Back to the Basics” class begins with Pastor Everlena. Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall if you plan on attending.
TUESDAY, June 5th, Prophetic Kickoff night, special speaker, Dr. Patricia Bailey.
SUNDAY, June 10th, Graduation Sunday, Pastor Felix Okoroji will be speaking. If you have or will graduate in 2018, please sign up in Fellowship Hall by May 27th.
SATURDAY, July 7th, Leadership (Dept. Head & Pastors) meeting, 9 a.m.
WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY, July 11th-13th, 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., Evangelist Anjuray Sanders End Time Ministries will be having a Neighborhood Youth Outreach for ages 4-14, 605 S. State Avenue, Freeport. Praise and Worship, teaching on Holy Spirit, games, prizes, and food. PIZZA AND SWIM PARTY ON FRIDAY THE 13TH! FUN! FUN! FUN!
SATURDAY, July 14th, Deborah Company with Pastor Dixie at FCF Fellowship Hall. Prophet Evon Green will be our guest speaker.
SUNDAY, July 22nd, FCF Anniversary Celebration
SATURDAY, July 28th, 6:30 p.m., Putting On a New You with Pastor Susie, at Cimino’s Restaurant, 421 Challenge St., Freeport. $10, registration begins June 17th.