With summer beginning and vacation time away, be sure to check out our website, Faithcenterfreeport.org for updates, and don’t forget, you can give your tithes and offerings there as well.

SATURDAY, June 3rd, Men’s Ministry Breakfast at 9 a.m.

SUNDAY, June 4th, Pentecost Sunday! Come expecting some fire. Be prepared to receive!

FRIDAY, June 9th, Men’s Ministry Prayer, 6 p.m. in Fellowship Hall

FRIDAY-SATURDAY, June 9th-10th, Cub Foods Brat Stand fundraiser for Joseph’s Pantry. See Bindy if you can volunteer to help either of those days. Also, everyone be sure and come out and purchase some food to help support our food pantry. The more participation, the more successful the fundraiser will be!

SUNDAY, June 11th, FRAC (location yet to be decided)

SUNDAY, June 11th, Honoring Graduates in 2nd Service. If graduating from high school, college or technical school, please sign up in the Fellowship Hall by June 6.

SUNDAY, June 25th, FCF 7th Anniversary Celebration, one service at 10 a.m.

TUESDAY, June 27th, Jason Heilman will be our special musical guest.

SUNDAY, July 2nd, begins our summer schedule (July-August), one service, 10 a.m.

TUESDAY, July 4th, No Service

SUNDAY, July 9th, Family & Friends Day. Invite your family and friends to come out and enjoy a great service and time of fellowship and take advantage of the Food Truck afterwards.

SUNDAY, July 16th, GAP Service here at FCF, 6:30 p.m.

SATURDAY, July 22nd, Department Head Meeting, 9 a.m.; Pastors’ meeting at 10:15 a.m.

May 30th: Apostle Michael Sowell
June 6th: Valerie Hale
June 13th: Elaine Harrell Shelton

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