Pastor Mike thanks those participating in the Seed Faith offerings. Our goal was $20,000, we now have $20,600, which is $600 over our goal. Praise the Lord for your generous giving. If you haven’t participated in the Seed Offering, and would still like to, please do. $20,000 is a good start on what needs to be done, but doesn’t cover it all.
We need more Greeters for the 1st and 2nd service. If you are interested, please see Valerie Hale or call her at 815-616-2686 or 815-233-9025.
SUNDAY, May 29th, Pastor Robert Thurmond, Jr. will be here from Jacksonville, FL in both services
SATURDAY, June 4th, 8:00 a.m.-11 a.m., Joseph’s Pantry’s Applebee’s Fundraiser. Come enjoy a great breakfast of pancakes, bacon, juice, water, coffee, and soda, for $5 a ticket. See Bindy Lillge, Christopher Clukey or Ron Smith for tickets.
SUNDAY, June 12th, Graduation Recognition Day, 2nd Service. Anyone graduating from high school, college, or technical school, please sign up in Fellowship Hall.
TUESDAY, June 14th, Health Dept at Joseph’s Pantry for Men’s Health, 3-4 p.m.
SATURDAY, June 25th, Men’s Breakfast, 9 a.m. at FCF
SUNDAY, June 26th, Faith Center Freeport’s 6th Anniversary, cake after services
SUNDAY, June 26th, FRAC will meet at 6:00 p.m. at the Bridge, 1 E. Stephenson Street, Freeport, hosted by The Beloved Church
SUNDAY, July 10th, Baptism at Fitness Lifestyle, 641 W. Stephenson St., Freeport, IL, 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall.
SUNDAY, July 17th, FCF Church Service and Picnic at Krape Park, 10 a.m.
TUESDAY, July 19th, Dr. Sahir, and OB/GYN, will be at Joseph’s Pantry, 3-4:00 p.m.
SATURDAY, July 30th, Family Day at FCF, more details to come
May 24th: Pastor Michael Sowell
May 31st: Pastor Susie Sowell
June 7th: Pastor Michael Sowell