Donate blood between May 3rd and July 3rd and you may win one of five prize packages from Thirty-One, Tupperware, and more. To enter, bring the donor instructions (which will include the unit number) to the bookstore by July 4th. Winners will be announced on July 18th.
Thursday, May 27th, 6:30 p.m., Supernatural School will be in sanctuary of main church with Apostle Sowell and Apostle Felix Okoroti. Please feel free to come and join us.
Come join us for the Hour of Power prayer Fridays, 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.!
Faith Kids is now in session every Sunday! Kindergarten-4th grade upstairs, Middle School (5th-7th grade) in the downstairs Fellowship Hall.
Sunday, June 6th, Men’s Ministry Trailer will open. Get ready for some good food!
Sunday, June 13th, Graduation Celebration Sunday. Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall if you are graduating from high school, college or technical school.
Tuesdays, June 15, 22, & 29, 6:30 p.m., Faith Kids Bible School, 1st-4th grades, theme is “God is Wild About You”
Saturday, June 26th, 9-12 noon, Reset Restart Leadership Training for all Department Heads and workers of FCF who serve in any department. Lunch will be provided and we will be having a special guest speaker.
Sunday, June 27th, Faith Center 11th Anniversary Celebration. Pastor Daryl L. Barnett from Faith Life Christian Center of St. Paul, MN will be speaking. Cake and ice cream will be served after service.
May 25th: Apostle Michael Sowell
Jun. 1st: Valerie Hale
Jun. 8th: Apostle Michael Sowell