We welcome Pastor Monty Weatherall, author of “Taking My Life Back,” as our guest speaker this Sunday!

We have now collected $3,500.00 for Seed Faith Offering, with only $11,500.00 to go.

Powerhouse Youth are taking orders for cupcakes from Culinary Delights to help fund Freedom Conference in Chicago. $6 for 1/2 a dozen, $12 for a dozen. See Powerhouse Youth to place an order. May 29th is the last day to order. Thank you for your support!

Patricia Garcia is in need of Greeters and Parking Lot Greeters on Sunday. Please see her if you can serve in this area. Thank you!

FRIDAY, May 25th, 6:00 p.m., Kick Off for Friday Night Live for Singles Barbeque Bash, food prepared by Carlos Jones (Culinary Delights), at Apostle Mike & Pastor
Susie Sowell’s home, 5117 Windrush Ct., Rockford. Sign up for van ride in Fellowship Hall.

SUNDAY, May 27th, Launching a Young Adult Ministry, ages 18-35. Informational meeting after church in the sanctuary. Sign up in Fellowship Hall.

FRIDAY, June 1st, Putting On a New You has been canceled.

SUNDAY, June 3rd, 9:00 a.m.-9:45 a.m. in lower level, “Back to the Basics” class begins with Pastor Everlena. Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall if you plan on

TUESDAY, June 5th, Prophetic Kickoff night, special speaker, Dr. Patricia Bailey.

SUNDAY, June 10th, Graduation Sunday, Pastor Felix Okoroji will be speaking. If you have or will graduate in 2018, please sign up in Fellowship Hall by May 27th.

SATURDAY, July 7th, Leadership (Dept. Head & Pastors) meeting, 9 a.m.

SUNDAY, July 22nd, FCF Anniversary Celebration

SATURDAY, July 28th, 6:30 p.m., Putting On a New You with Pastor Susie, at Cimino’s Restarant, 421 Challenge St., Freeport. $10, registration begins June 17th.


May 22nd: Pastor Vonda Van Ostrand
May 29th: Apostle Michael Sowell
June 5th: Dr. Patricia Bailey

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