FCF is launching a new ministry, Celebrate Recovery, and we’re looking for people to help us put it together. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall if you’re interested!
SUNDAY, FCF 7th Anniversary Celebration after service. Food, fellowship, and bouncy houses for the kids. Stay and celebrate with us!
The Men’s Ministry is having a contest to name the Food Truck. If you have a name please fill out the slip of paper and put it in the box in Fellowship Hall. Deadline July 2nd, winner announced July 9th.
Deborah Company is coming August 12th! Watch for details!
“Putting On A New You” with Pastor Susie is coming this Fall. Faith, Family, Fashion, and Food!
TUESDAY, June 27th, Jason Heilman will be ministering in music.
SATURDAY, July 1st, 10 a.m., Freedom Fest, free rides, 4 p.m. free concert (Jordan Feliz & Citizen Way), free fireworks, free parking, at New Life Church, 2416 N. Wright Road, Janesville, WI.
SUNDAYS, July 2nd-September 10th, One Service Only at 10 a.m. Please mark your calendars. Have a great summer.
TUESDAY, July 4th, No Service and no Joseph’s Pantry
SUNDAY, July 9th, Family & Friends Day. Invite your family and friends to come out and enjoy a great service and time of fellowship and take advantage of the Food Truck afterward.
WEDS.-FRI., July 12-14th, Neighborhood Youth Outreach with Pastor Anjuray Sanders, 5 p.m.-7:30 p.m., 603 S. State. Come enjoy the fun and be a part of change.
SUNDAY, July 16th, GAP Service here at FCF, 6:30 p.m.
SATURDAY, July 22nd, Department Head Meeting, 9 a.m.; Pastors’ meeting at 10:15 a.m.