We wish a happy Father’s Day to every Dad!

Join us for Hour of Prayer, 10 a.m., Saturday mornings

Faith Kids Club Fruits of the Spirit Summer Camp happens on Tuesday June 20th, 27, and July 11th at 6:30 p.m. for 1st-4th grade.

Sundays, 9:00 a.m., Sister Hester Crawford is doing a study, “Winning in Ministry” in the lower level.

Mondays, 10:-11:30 a.m., New 6 week class, “Consequences” with Pastor Elaine Shelton at Learning Center for Ages 13-18.

Tuesday, July 4th, there will be no Tuesday night service. The office and Joseph’s Pantry will be closed.

Saturday, July 8th, Summer Fun Trip to Chicago, $20. Anyone welcome. The van will leave the church at 9:00 a.m. Sign up in Bookstore.

Saturday, July 8th, 9:00 a.m., Men’s Ministry Meeting in the meeting room at Faith Academy Learning Center

Friday, July 14th, 6:30 p.m., evening service with Apostle Ray Gimenez’s International Conference in Clinton, Iowa. Van will leave at 5:00 p.m. Anyone planning on riding the van, please sign up in Fellowship Hall.

Saturday, July 15th, 9:00-3:00 p.m., Men’s Ministry Annual Outing will be at Oakdale Nature Preserve. Come out for fun, food, and fellowship. Sign up at the Bookstore if you are planning on attending.

Thursday, July 27th, Faith Center Freeport’s Praise team will be singing at the Stephenson County Fair in a time slot between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Invite some family and friends to come out and be blessed.


June 20th: Pastor Rupert Valentine, Jr.
June 27th: Jason Heilman
July 4th: No Service (Holiday)

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