Membership Class is coming September 23rd, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Anyone interested in becoming a member can sign up in Fellowship Hall.
Sister Eva needs help on Monday & Wednesday mornings to clean the church. See her to get started.
Joseph’s Pantry needs help unloading the food truck on Tuesday mornings. See Bindy for details.
SATURDAY, August 12th, Deborah Company, led by Pastor Dixie Ditsworth, a ministry of prophetic warriors, will have a luncheon at 11 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. A time of teaching, testimonies, and ministry. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall if you are attending. Daycare will be provided.
SUNDAY, August 13th, Family & Friends Day. The Men’s Ministry will have food for purchase after service. Bring a family member or friend and they will receive a ticket for a free hot dog and drink from the Faith Wagon food truck.
SUNDAY, August 13th, FRAC, 6:30 p.m., Beloved Church, 216 W. Mason St., Lena.
FRIDAY, August 18th, 6:00 p.m., Friday Night Live for Married Couples and Singles. Please sign up in the Fellowship Hall. August 15th is the deadline for signing up.
FRIDAY, August 25th, We’ll be holding a dinner to honor Pastor Susie. More details to follow next week.
Coming in the Fall:
Saturday, Sept. 9th, Joseph’s Pantry Applebee Fundraiser
Sunday-Tuesday, Sept. 10-12th, Faith Center Faith Conference
Thursday, Sept. 14th, “He Speaks to Me” by Priscilla Shirer Study begins at Pastor Vonda’s home.Saturday, Sept. 23rd, Membership Class, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 24th, Membership Sunday/Falling In Place Sunday
Saturday, Sept. 30th, 3 p.m., Pastor Anjuray Sander’s Women’s Outreach in Sterling, IL. For more information, please see Pastor Angie!
Friday, October 6th, “Putting on a New You” by Pastor Susie. Details to come!
August 1st: Pastor Dixie Ditsworth
August 8th: Apostle Michael Sowell
August 15th: Catherine Perkins