Weekly Friday night prayer will restart on the 7th. Please come out and join us!
Jospeh’s Pantry will reopen on January 4th from 3-5pm.
Back to Basic’s class with Pastor Everlena Thurmond meets at 9 a.m. Sunday mornings in the lower level fellowship hall and ends at 9:45 a.m so you can attend Sunday service.
Pastor Dixie is having a mentoring class, School of the Prophets, in the lower level, Sundays, 9:00-9:45 a.m. She has a round table and is teaching out of the book, Throne Room Prophecy. Contact her if you are plan on attending.
Stephen Ministry will be helping to provide for the needs of others with clothing, blankets, bedding, appliances, small and large, and whatever they are in need of. If you have any needs or questions, please contact Shirley Nelson at 815-232-6839, or sign up in Fellowship Hall.
Tuesday, December 21st, NO SERVICE, Office will be closed
Tuesday, December 21st, Joseph’s Pantry will be closed
Friday, December 24th, 6:00-7:00 p.m., Christmas Eve Service
Tuesday, December 28th, NO SERVICE, Office will be closed
Tuesday, December 28st, Joseph’s Pantry will be closed
Friday, December 31st, 10:00 p.m.-Midnight, New Year’s Eve Service
Saturday, January 8th, 9:00-11:30 a.m., Staci Brown of Rockford, IL will be having a real estate class, “Power of Ownership”. If you are interested, please sign up in Fellowship Hall.
Saturday, January 15th, 9:00-12:30, Renew Restart Department Head Meeting, lunch will be provided.
Saturday, January 22nd, 6:00 p.m., Volunteer Appreciation Dinner at Lino’s, Rockford, IL If you have volunteered in 2021 and plan on attending, register at the Bookstore. Deadline, Sunday, January 9th.
Saturday, March 5th, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., Membership class, sign up in the Bookstore
Jan. 4th: Apostle Jonathan Byrd
Jan. 11th: Apostle Michael Sowell