The January 19th Volunteer Appreciation Dinner has been canceled. We will have a Volunteer Appreciation Day, January 20th. Department Heads, please give Pastor Vonda a list of volunteers in your department for the 2018 year by January 6th.
Thursdays, 9:00 a.m., Setting Captives Free Bible study with Pastor Dixie at Glick’s.
MONDAY, December 31st, New Year’s Eve Watch Night Celebration, 10:00 p.m.-12 midnight. Apostle Sowell will be bringing a powerful message of revelation for 2019, with communion at midnight. There will be cash/money prizes given away. Carlos Jones will be preparing food for after service. We do need desserts, so if you can bring a dessert, please sign up in Fellowship Hall. Come out and celebrate with us!
TUESDAY, January 1st, NO CHURCH SERVICE (New Year’s Day)
THURSDAY, January 10th, Women’s Thursday Bible study, “Relentless” by John Bevere begins with Pastor Vonda, at 9:30 a.m. Sign up in Fellowship Hall.
SATURDAY, January 12th, Men’s Ministry, 9:00 a.m.
SUNDAY, January 20th, Volunteer Appreciation Day
SATURDAY, February 2nd, Leadership (Dept. Heads/Pastors) Meeting has been postponed until February 16th.
SATURDAY, February 16th, Leadership (Dept. Head/Pastors) meeting at 9:00 a.m. with Dr. Keith Johnson on “The Secret Power of the Ten”.
SUNDAY, February 3rd, 2019, doors will open at 5:00 p.m. for the Men’s Ministry presentation of the 2019 Super Bowl Party. There will be food, prizes, and fellowship. The donation is $10 for 14 years and older, $2 for 13 years old and younger, to help cover costs. See men of the church for tickets or see Dennis Brumfield. At Halftime there will be “Putting On a New You,” with Pastor Susie for the women.
SATURDAY, February 16th, Leadership (Dept. Head/Pastors) meeting at 9:00 a.m. with Dr. Keith Johnson on “The Secret Power of the Ten”.
January 8th: Apostle Michael Sowell
January 15th: Pastor Susie Sowell