Apostle and Pastor Susie would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas and wants to thank everyone who has given cards and gifts for Christmas. May God bless you richly.
Thursday, December 24th, 5 p.m., Christmas Eve Service.
There will be no Hour of Power prayer, December 25th and January 1st, but we will resume Friday, January 8th, 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Joseph’s Pantry will be closed on December 22nd and 29th, and will reopen Tuesday, January 5th. You must bring a picture ID and a piece of mail every time you come. You will be able to come twice a month.
Sunday, December 27th, Apostle Byrd will be speaking
Sunday, December 27th, Faith Kids and Middle School will be open. You must RSVP Pastor Rachael Valentine for your child to attend. Thank you.
Come and join us December 31st, 10:00 p.m.-12 midnight and hear the word for 2021 from Apostle Sowell. There will be cash giveaways, communion, food, and fellowship after the service.
Faith Center Freeport’s annual corporate fast will begin Monday, January 4th and end Sunday, January 10th after service.
Saturday, January 16th, 10:00 a.m., Reset and Restart Leadership Mandatory Meeting.
If you need a van ride to church, for Freeport, call Deb Moore at 815-909-5263. For Rockford, call Damonte Reed at 815-770-2533.
Dec. 22nd: NO SERVICE
Dec. 29th: NO SERVICE
Jan. 5th: Apostle Michael Sowell