Get ready for Youth Sunday!
SATURDAY, August 17th, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Annual FCF Rummage Sale fundraiser and Children’s Ministry Event. $2 meals, free games and prizes for kids. See Taylor Goetz if you have anything to donate or need more information.
SATURDAY, August 17th, Last Street Ministry Outreach of summer, 2-4:00 p.m.
SUNDAY, August 18th, Youth Sunday.
THURSDAY, August 22nd, Women’s Thursday Bible study at Pastor Vonda’s will begin, 9:30 a.m., at 437 North Trunck Ave. We will be doing John Bevere’s, 12 week study, “Under Cover”. For more info see her in the office or call 815-275-8003
SUNDAY, August 25th, Baby Dedication Day, if you want your baby dedicated, please sign up in Fellowship Hall.
FRIDAY-SATURDAY, September 6-7th, Joseph’s Pantry fundraiser at Cub’s Food’s Brat Stand. Be sure to come out and support the pantry! Please invite others and put it out on social media!
SUNDAY, September 8th, FCF Annual Faith Conference begins. Pastor Dwight Dunbar from Work of God Church, Mitchell, Indiana & September 10th, Keith Hershey of Mutual Faith Ministries, San Fernando, California, will be our speaker.
TUESDAY, September 10th, Faith Conference continues! Keith Hershey of Mutual Faith Ministries, San Fernando, California, will be our speaker.
SATURDAY, September 14th, Men’s Ministry Meeting, 9 a.m.
SUNDAY, September 17th, “It’s a Boy” baby shower for Pastor Rupert & Rachael Valentine, after service. Pizza and cake for those attending shower. They are registered at WalMart, or pick up a list of needed items at the bookstore
SATURDAY, September 21st, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Putting On a New You Fall Fashion Preview & Luncheon at Anderson Gardens, 318 Spring Creek Rd, Rockford. Tickets are $30, which includes Preview, Entrance to Gardens and Food by Fresco Café. Register at the FCF bookstore.
SUNDAY, September 22nd, Fall in Place Sunday
SATURDAY, September 28, 2019, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m., Membership Class. There will be a lunch provided. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall.
August 20th: Apostle Michael Sowell
August 27th: Damonte Reed
September 3rd: Apostle Michael Sowell