Pastor Susie is looking for someone experienced in singing to join the praise team. You must be willing to be faithful and committed.
Apostle is looking for backup van drivers. Please see him if you can help.
The children’s ministry is in need of workers to work in the 2 year old- 5 year old classroom beginning in September. Please see Pastor Rachael if interested.
Pro-Presenter is in need of someone to put words on the screen for services. If you are interested, see Edwin Colon.
Joseph’s Pantry is glad to announce they are now open for in-person shopping! Clients are able to shop our shelves and choose their own items. The pantry is open at 406 S. Adams from 3-5 p.m. Be sure to bring a photo ID, a recent piece of mail, and a box, bin, or bags to carry your food home.
Back to Basics class with Pastor Everlena Thurmond has begun again. If you are interested in attending, class begins at 9 a.m. Sunday mornings in the basement fellowship hall and will end at 9:45 a.m so you can attend Sunday morning services.
Altar Counseling/Prayer Warrior Training by Apostle Jonathan Byrd, Saturday, August 21st, 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Sign up in Fellowship Hall.
Saturday, Aug. 14th, 9 a.m., Men’s Ministry meeting in Fellowship Hall
Sunday, Aug. 22nd, Baby Dedication Day. If you have a baby you want dedicated, please sign up in Fellowship Hall.
Sunday/Tuesday, Sept. 12th and 14th, Faith Center Freeport Faith Conference
Saturday, Sept. 18th, Membership Class, 9:00-2:00 p.m. Sign up in the Bookstore.
Aug. 17th: Apostle Michael Sowell
Aug. 24th: Pastor Nancy Freeman
Aug. 31st: Pastor Rupert Valentine, Jr.