The Men’s Ministry Food Truck will be open after service this Sunday.
Hour of Power Prayer every Saturday at 9 a.m., in the Sanctuary
FCF Bookstore will be having a summer half-off sale, Sunday, August 21st. All items (except CD’s and anointing oil) will be 50% off.
Joseph’s Pantry has raffle tickets on sale in the bookstore, or see Bindy Lillge or Elder Chris. One entry for $5, 3 for $10, and 5 for $20. 1st prize-$500, 2nd prize-$200, and 3rd prize $100. Drawing held September 13, 2022.
GriefShare Support Group will be meeting every Thursday, starting on August 18, 2022, from 6:00 – 8:00 PM at Faith Academy Learning Center. Registration is open and cost is $30 to cover the study book. For more information, contact Sherry Wenzel at 815-990-1851 or go to our website at for additional information.
Faith Kids Children’s Ministry is in need of committed lead teachers and teacher assistants for the fall/winter 2022 season. Please see Pastor Rachael Valentine.
Saturday, August 27th, 2:00-5:00 p.m., Street Ministry Outreach at Faith Center Freeport. The team will be having, free hot dogs, corn boil, face painting, candy walk, prayer and giving Bibles. If you would like to help, see Pastor Angie.
Sunday, Sept. 11th, Keith Hershey will be our speaker for Faith Conference
Tuesday, Sept. 13th, Apostle Charles Green, speaking for Faith Conference
September 16th & 17th, 9 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Come out and support Faith Academy Learning Center at the Cub Food Brat Stand. Amazing brats, dogs, burgers, and steak sandwiches! Volunteers needed; sign up at the bookstore.
Saturday, Oct. 8th, 9:00 a.m-12:30 a.m., Membership class, please sign up at the Bookstore if you are planning on attending. Lunch will be provided.
Aug. 16th: Apostle Michael Sowell
Aug. 23rd: Pastor Rupert Valentine
Aug. 30th: Apostle Jonathan Byrd