We have received $7,503 for Seed Faith Offering, only $12,497 to go. If you need a Seed Faith Offering envelope, please see an usher and be sure to write your name on the outside of the envelope. Together we can reach this goal!
Our own Yolanda Brooks has released a book called, “Journey to Freedom”. We are placing an order as a church, so if you would like a copy, please stop in the bookstore and make your order.
Larry Dietz would like to thank everyone for all their prayers, words of encouragement, flowers, and gifts while in the hospital. May God bless you all!
THURSDAY, May 4th, 6:30 p.m., National Day of Prayer night service will be held here at Faith Center Freeport. Be sure to come out and be a part of this time of prayer as other churches come together to pray.
SATURDAY, May 6th, 9:00 a.m., Pastor Anjuray Sanders will be having a training for those signed up to volunteer for Prayer Walking and Home Visitation. See her for more details.
TUESDAY, May 9th, Pastor Dirk Currier will be our guest speaker.
SATURDAY, June 3rd, Men’s Ministry Breakfast at 9 a.m.
FRIDAY-SATURDAY, June 9th-10th, Cubs Brat Stand fundraiser for Joseph’s Pantry.
SUNDAY, June 11th, FRAC (location yet to be decided)
SUNDAY, June 25th, FCF 7th Anniversary Celebration
TUESDAY, June 27th, Jason Harmon
TUESDAY, July 4th, No Service
May 2nd: Apostle Michael Sowell
May 9th: Pastor Dirk Currier
May 16th: Apostle Michael Sowell