Apostle Sowell thanks everyone for the best wishes, cards, and gifts for his birthday!
Security is looking for those interested in being part of the Security team. Please see Lamont Hail for more information.
Powerhouse Youth are taking orders for cupcakes from Culinary Delights to help fund Freedom Conference in Chicago. $6 for a half dozen, $12 for a dozen. See Powerhouse Youth to place an order.
SATURDAY, April 21st, 6:30 p.m., Farm Bureau, 210 W. Spring St., Freeport, Ladies Night Out, Putting On a New You with Pastor Susie Sowell. Dinner, fashion show, and special speaker Apostle Tawunya Hicks. Tickets are $20 (Deadline, April 17th). Sign up in the Fellowship Hall. (Childcare for ages 4-10, available if registered)
SUNDAY, April 22nd, Apostle Tawunya Hicks will be our guest speaker.
SATURDAY, April 28th, Children’s Ministry Spring Fling at FCF, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., ages 0-5th grade, all Faith Kids and their families and friends are invited.
SATURDAY, April 28th, 6:00 p.m., Prophetic Night at North Side Church of God, 2035 N. 5th St., Clinton, Iowa, with Apostle Michael Sowell and Apostle Ray Giminez. Please join us. Sign up for
Van Service in Fellowship Hall.
SUNDAY, May 6th, Baptism Sunday, after service at Fitness Lifestyle. Anyone interested in being baptized, please sign up in Fellowship Hall by April 29th.
SATURDAY, May 12th, Deborah Company, 9-11:30 a.m. at FCF Fellowship Hall. Pastor Dixie will be teaching on the gifts.
THURSDAY, May 17th, Altar Workers/Assistants meeting 5:30-7:00 p.m.
SATURDAY, May 19th, Leadership Meeting (Dept. Heads/Pastors), 9:00 a.m.
SUNDAY, May 20th, Pastor Monty Weatherall, author of “Taking My Life Back”
FRIDAY, May 25th, Friday Night Live for Singles. Details coming soon.
SUNDAY, May 27th, Launching a Young Adult Ministry, ages 18-35. Informational meeting after church in the sanctuary.
SUNDAY, June 10th, Graduation Sunday, Pastor Felix Okoroji will be speaking. If you have or will graduate in 2018, please sign up in Fellowship Hall.
April 17th: Apostle Michael Sowell
April 24th: Pastor Everlena Thurmond
May 1st: Apostle Michael Sowell