T-shirts are in! See Christopher Clukey in the Fellowship Hall to get yours.

Sunday, August 16th– Fundraiser for Jon Eastlick, 6 p.m. at East Gate Church.

Saturday, August 22nd– Department Head Meeting, 9 a.m. in FCF Fellowship Hall.

Saturday, August 22nd– Childrens Ministry Volunteer Picnic at Krape Park. Noon-2 p.m. at Flagstaff shelter. Sign up in bookstore. Bring a dish to pass. Meat and drinks provided.

Sunday, August 30th– Children will advance classes.
Both Services: Infant Church-Baby to 2 years old
Waumba Land-Ages 3 to 5 years old
Faith Kids Club-1st grade thru 5th grade

1st service only: New! Ignite-6th grade thru 8th grade

Tuesday night: New! 9th grade thru 12th grade ONLY

Saturday, September 19th–The Big Wing Thing fundraiser for Joseph’s Pantry. Wing cooking contest, Music, kids games, etc. More details coming soon.

September 13-15th– Faith Center Freeport Faith Conference. September 13th-14th, Pastor Norman Thomas; September 15th, Keith Hershey

Monday, September 14th– Leadership Luncheon with Norman Thomas, 12 –1 p.m., $10

Thursday, September 24th– Mighty-X class begins

Sunday, September 27th– Membership, Equipping the Saints Classes and Back to the Basics Classes begin; Crosby Harris, Jr. will be speaking and the “Falling Into Place” Fair will take place.

October 10th, Iron Sharpens Iron for Women in Davenport, Iowa. Early group registration, 10 or more people, $54 (includes lunch) need monies by Sept. 6th. Students, 13-22, in school full time, $39. FCF van will be going for those who need a ride. Sign up for conference and van in Fellowship Hall.

Tuesday Night Family Service Speakers:
8/18– Pastor Mike
9/1– Pastor Mike