Our church was founded by, is led by and supports jail ministers. So, though it seems nothing could make the Sutherland Springs church shooting more tragic and horrifying, we’re saddened to learn that inmates at nearby prisons will have one less person sharing the love of Christ with them.
One of the victims of the shooting was Bryan Holcombe, who sang for area inmates and was a guest speaker at the church that day. In total, eight members of the Holcombe family died, including three children. Four children in the family were hospitalized with injuries.
The most important thing we can do now is pray, but we can take action in concrete ways. A verified GoFundMe page has been established for the Holcombes and this USA Today story details other places we can donate to help our brothers and sisters in Sutherland Springs. If you are short on funds, please consider donating blood in their name at our local Rock River Valley Blood Center. Also, consider supporting or engaging in prison ministry to honor the memory of a man who cared for “the least of these” behind bars.