Our services are now being streamed live on our website as well as on Facebook and YouTube at the same time. Join us live every Sunday at 10:00 AM or watch the replay at 7:00 PM. Tuesday services will also be live streamed at 6:30 p.m. Just go to faithcenterfreeport.org/live or watch us on Facebook and YouTube. To find us on YouTube just search for Faith Center Freeport and subscribe to our channel for easy access. YouTube is available on FireTV, Roku, smart TVs, phones, tablets, or your computer.
SATURDAY, March 28th, 12:00 noon, Mr. Shannon from the Gideon’s will be speaking to the Street Ministry Team in the Fellowship Hall. Anyone interested in being a part of the street ministry, please come out and join us.
SATURDAY, April 4th, 9:00 a.m. Altar Meeting at FCF Fellowship Hall
SATURDAY, April 11th, Leadership (Pastors & Dept. Heads) meeting, 10:00 a.m. at Faith Academy
SATURDAY, April 11th, Mandatory Ushers meeting, 11:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall
SUNDAY, May 3rd, Pastor Felix Okoroji will be ministering and sharing about the upcoming “Supernatural School”
SATURDAY, May 16th, 6:00 p.m., Putting on the New You, details to come
March 24th: Ron Goodman
March 31st: Apostle Michael Sowell
April 7th: Pastor Vonda Van Ostrand
The Following Events Are Cancelled
FRIDAY, March 27th, Singles Cimino’s for a pizza party
SUNDAY, March 29th, Baby Dedication Day (will be rescheduled later)
SUNDAY, March 29th, Cake Celebration of Pastor Susie and Micah’s birthday
SUNDAY, April 5th, Fellowship Sunday with Family of Faith church of Lena