Freeport Pregnancy Center Baby Bottle Fundraiser—If interested, please pick up a bottle today at the Welcome Center and return on Father’s Day. This is one of two of their biggest fundraisers to meet the needs of the Center. Thanks for your participation.
We need more Greeters for the 1st and 2nd service. If you are interested, please see Valerie Hale or call her at 815-616-2686 or 815-233-9025. Thank you.
TUESDAY, May 17th, 3 p.m.-4 p.m., Health Dept. at Joseph’s Pantry/women issues.
SATURDAY, May 21st, Breakfast of Champions (for those completing Membership Class of FCF), 9 a.m.-10:30 a.m., in lower level.
SATURDAY, May 21st, Men’s Ministry is having a Car Wash Fundraiser, 10 a.m.-3:00 p.m., in the Faith Center Freeport parking lot. $5.00 (Hand Wash), and $3.00 (Interior).
SUNDAY, May 22nd, Membership Sunday, receiving new members 2nd service.
SATURDAY, June 4th, 8:00 a.m.-11 a.m., Joseph’s Pantry’s Applebee’s Fundraiser. Come enjoy a great breakfast of pancakes, bacon, juice, water, coffee, and soda, for $5 a ticket. Tickets will be available to purchase in a couple of weeks.
SUNDAY, June 12th, Graduation Recognition Day. Anyone graduation from high school, college, or technical school need to sign up in Fellowship Hall.
SATURDAY, June 25th, Men’s Breakfast, 9 a.m. at FCF.
May 17th: Pastor Vonda Van Ostrand
May 24th: Pastor Michael Sowell
May 31st: Pastor Susie Sowel